OPEN EVENINGS | Y9 ENTRY – 19 September 2024 | SIXTH FORM - 17 October 2024

Acrobatic Arts Our Post 16 Acrobatic Arts training


Acrobatics Vocational Training

Acrobatic Arts is offered as an optional training session for our Year 12 & 13 students. Students who opt and successfully gain a place within this session will receive training in a fusion of dance and acrobatics.

Often defined by unique choreography, acro dancers seamlessly blend musicality, emotional expression, line and extension with acrobatic movements in a dance context. Acro is an especially challenging style for dancers to master as training in both dance and acrobatic elements is required. Acro technique includes balancing, limbering, tumbling and partnering, based in flexibility, contortion and strength.

Dancers who train through Acrobatic Arts have balanced development, are stronger, more flexible and fearless.  Studios that implement this program will see dancers with more skills, who have fewer accidents, and are less likely to develop chronic injuries.

Our full Performing Arts training intent, implementation and impact document can be found by clicking here.