LeAF Studio School

Our People

To contact a staff member, please click the teachers name or call the school on 01202 578886.

Who should I contact?

Please click here to see who to contact for current students.

If you remain unsure who to contact, please email office@lss.weareauthentic.education and your enquiry will be passed on to the appropriate member of our team.

To contact our Sixth Form team, please email sixthform@leafstudio.co.uk 

Safeguarding Concerns can be directed to LSsafeguarding@leafstudio.co.uk 

Senior Leadership Team 

Leadership (Our People) (ID 1205)

Extended Leadership Team 

Mr Dan Evans - Sport - Specialism

Miss Amy Spencer - Sport - Academics

Miss Billie Aplin - Performing Arts - Acting, Music & Musical Theatre

Miss Katie Magookin - Performing Arts - Dance & Production

Mr Jerry Milward - Head of Science

Mr Craig Dennett - Head of Year

Miss Heidi Brown - Head of Year

Mr Panashe Tauringana - Head of Year

Mr Will Jones - Head of PSHE/PD

Teaching Faculty

Mrs Alisha Askew - Science

Mr Matthew Burt - Maths

Mrs Sam Burton - History / English

Mr Daniel Connolly - PE / Sport

Miss Molly Hann - PE / Sport

Mr Karl Hayman - Music / Music Technology

Mrs Louise Kulaksiz - English

Mrs Debbie Potter-White - Languages

Mrs Eleanor Spanjar - Science

Mrs George Watt - Business (maternity leave)

Coaching Faculty

Toby Dinnivan

Gideon Hugo

Ally Cox

Adam Tuffrey

Liz Rodda

Jamie-Lee Tuffrey

Rachel Adey

Phoebe White

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Sharon Regan

Mr Morgan Davies-Scorer

Mrs Hayley Brading

Pastoral, Administration & Support Staff

Mr Steve Beedie - Minibus Driver

Mrs Jemma Bellot - Pastoral & Safeguarding

Mr Geoff Cummings

Mrs Hayley Griffith-Walker - Receptionist 

Miss Maddy Fuller - HR School Lead

Mr Barrie Haskell - Site Manager

Mrs Megan Hawkins - Attendance Officer

Mrs Carla John - Science Technician

Mrs Beth Kempton - Pastoral & Safeguarding

Ms Beverley Murphy - Catering Assistant

Mr Frank Parish - Minibus Driver

Mrs Taryn Payne - Admin Assistant

Mrs Cath Redman - Finance Assistant

Mrs Emma Symonds - Exams, Data & Admissions Manager

Mr Richard Vincent - Minibus Driver

Mrs Moira Wood - Catering Assistant

Wellbeing Dogs

Buffy Clark

Cooper Yeats