LeAF Studio School

Science | Year 9-11

Curriculum Intent

Science plays an important role in today’s society. Through science we aim to prepare students for their life ahead, be that professionally or as democratic citizens. Science develops such key skills as the ability to recognise the difference between good and bad arguments and being critical of sources of information – something which is more relevant than ever.
In science we will also support the students in developing their ability to form opinions and how to argue and back these opinions up using knowledge and understanding.

For an individual to to have an opportunity to influence the situation they are in – both locally and globally – it is imperative that they have the knowledge and skills require to understand this situation. Many of the challenges the world is currently facing (such as climate change and automation of the workforce) is based on understanding of science. By facilitating the development of students’ knowledge and understanding of science we provide them the best opportunity to engage in the onging global discussion of these topics.

Science also plays an important part in culture. Our understanding of the world has been shaped and changed over the course of history due to science and as science continues to develop, as will our understanding of the universe as a whole. Many pioneering scientists were British and as such are part of a shared national and global heritage that is important for the students to recognise.

AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy Specification

Our full Science curriculum intent, implementation and impact document can be found by clicking here.