LeAF Studio School

Support & Training Fund

Thank you to all of the parents and external companies/individuals who have supported us through fundraising and who have donated in the past, we hope that you will continue to support us. 

For more details on the LeAF Studio Training Fund please contact:


What you need to do?

Please set up a standing order via your online banking using the details below. If you can, please do this and help us support your young people. Thank you in advance for your support.

Bank Details for Standing Order

Please pay:

Bank: Lloyds Bank

Account Name: Authentic Education Group Limited

Sort Code: 30-91-08   Account Number: 47474360

Reference: LEAFTF (student name)

Once you have set up a standing order please complete our Gift Aid Form

What we are asking for? 

All we ask is that parents/carers or friends of LeAF Studio commit to a monthly payment of at least £5 – that is just £1.25 per week, which for the level of training students receive in school still represents exceptional value. If every family generously contributed at least £5 per month this would provide LeAF Studio and LS6 with a total of £1500 per month. Meaning on some months, Sport and Performing Arts could receive an additional £750 per month.

Examples of recent spending include:

School Wide

  • Transport coverage for academic trips
  • Table tennis tables for breaktime fun
  • Picnic tables for the field


  • New wheeled goalposts
  • New team kits
  • Updated gym equipment
  • Professional training from external coaches
  • Trips to professional clubs and facilities

Performing Arts

  • Subsidised trips and performances
  • Summer production costs
  • Black out curtains for the studios
  • Acro mats
  • Tap floor

We hope that you will see both the benefit and value in this new initiative, as we strive to provide the very best resources and experiences for your child.

Why we launched the LeAF Studio Support & Training Fund?

As we are sure you will be aware, education budgets have and continue to be severely impacted over recent years. As a specialist Sport and Performing Arts centre we have a significantly higher outlay than most schools on equipment, professional coaches and training; all opportunities that would normally only be available in fee paying schools. With this in mind, we launched the Support & Training Fund to enable us to ensure that we can continue to provide the very best specialist equipment, training, coaches and experiences that our students deserve. Many schools are now, unfortunately, heavily reliant on parental support and we are no different in this instance. Where we are different is that the Support & Training Fund will be predominantly reserved exclusively for the Specialisms with whatever costs or resources they need. Occasionally this fund may be used towards academic and school wide spending. This would, however, then free up the rest of the school budget to support the academic side of the school and other associated costs. We are asking that parents sign up to our Support & Training Fund by committing to a small, regular donation to the school.

All monies received will be ring-fenced exclusively for our students, their development and their success. We will then be able to provide termly updates on what equipment and resources have been purchased to support the students, so parents will be able to clearly see the impact their contributions are having.