OPEN EVENINGS | Y9 ENTRY – 19 September 2024 | SIXTH FORM - 17 October 2024

Home Learning


Our home learning procedure is one of blended learning between both refined and effective online platforms and internally produced Knowledge Organiser text books, compiling the key vocabulary and concepts that students are required to learn for their curriculum subjects.

Over the last few years, we have refined our approach to Home Learning by incorporating online delivery partners such as Sparx and Tassomai to ensure that students are able to access bespoke and individualised support in core and academic subjects.

Where online platforms are yet to be established, we utilise our own Knowledge Organiser text books, which have been curated by our subject staff to ensure optimum relevancy in aiding students in their progress across Key Stage 4.

Each subject, outside of those using online platforms, sets a weekly task that involves the Knowledge Organiser. Teachers will advise students in class and via Microsoft Teams of the week’s information to be learnt. It will be based on small ‘chunks’ of information that are relevant and important to the upcoming week of study. Students will be obligated to complete one FULL page per subject in their Practice book in learning this information. The work must show evidence of self-assessment, using red to mark and green to correct any errors in the learning.

Students are asked to learn this information using the ‘Look-Cover-Write-Check’ method of consistent repetition to ensure committing this to memory.  This is paired with a short quiz posted to Microsoft Teams to then help the students assess how successful they have been in retaining the information.

Form tutors will check the students’ Practice Books on a Monday morning and will be looking for a completed page for each subject. If any are missing or not completed to the correct standard with evidence of self-assessment, then the student will be issued with a HW BP (worth 2 Behaviour Points) and put into Homework detention on the following Tuesday or Thursday evening. Transport home will be provided for any student who normally gets a school bus and any student who fails to attend without prior agreement will be issued with a Referral (worth 4 Behaviour Points). If a child is put in detention but they are unable to attend, then parents must contact their child’s Head of Year before the date of the detention to rearrange it.

The Knowledge Organiser (either print or digital access) & Practice Book are part of the standard equipment check and students are expected to have both on their person each day at school.

Subject staff can provide subject specific excerpts for students where required, or the fully compiled versions can be accessed via the links below.

Knowledge Organisers for 2023-2024

Year 9 –

Year 10 –

Year 11 –