OPEN EVENINGS | Y9 ENTRY – 19 September 2024 | SIXTH FORM - 17 October 2024

Work Experience


You can contact any of our Careers and Work Experience staff by click their name above or by calling 01202 578886.

Work Experience provides a crucial opportunity for the development of vital employability skills.  It can take place at any point, but for most it’s something which happens during secondary school education years. For many that week or two will be the first taste of working life.

Work experience provides many benefits, giving young people skills and experience that will allow them to stand out to potential employers as well as helping them choose the right sector to work in. Some will go into Work Experience with a clear career ambition, some will want to sample something they like the look of and for others the experience will be to simply experience work.  For all it is valuable experience; developing employability skills is essential alongside traditional academic qualifications to help prepare for life after school, college and university.

At LeAF Studio all students will complete a work experience placement during the summer term in year 10. We have partnered with CSW Enterprise to ensure that all students obtain the best placements possible and have a safe, enjoyable and productive two week placement.

To search for jobs for Year 10 work experience, please use the following link: